If you can see Mt. Baker, you are part of The Experience

Parting shot

Mountain goats in the Alpine Lakes Wilderness, Leavenworth, WA. Skye Schillhammer photo

“The luckiest day of my life: I had been wandering around the Alpine Lakes Wilderness outside of Leavenworth, waiting for the sun to set and hopefully capture some nice images. In the moment, I was so focused on the composition of the shot that I didn't even notice these two mountain goats wandering up next to me. When I pulled my eye out of the camera I was startled by them moving along the lakeshore. I didn't have time to change settings. I just raised the camera and started shooting.” – Skye Schillhammer x

Skye Schillhammer is a rider, photographer and cinematographer for Transition Bikes in Bellingham. When he’s not on assignment or on a bike, you can find him deep in the woods building trails and soaking in the PNW.