Gloria Goni-McAteer strolls through the late summer wildflowers with Koma Kulshan lurking. Matthew Tangeman photo
Nikara Morgan enjoys sunset at Point of the Arches in Olympic National Park. Matthew Tangeman photo
Tom Ramier and Brad Lignoski high on the Upper Town Wall in Index, Washington. Matthew Tangeman photo
Ahh, the light … where’s the mountain? Evan Skoczenski photo[/caption]
The Milky Way christens Mt. Baker. Radka Chapin photo
Dinner in bed, and with a view. Radka Chapin photo
Jon Hansen and Chad Perrin biking the Xanadu trail. Grant Gunderson photo
A sign to turn around? David Summers photo
The view from Three Fingers Lookout outside Darrington, Washington. Evan Skoczenski photo
An angered marmot along the Pilot Ridge trail outside of Darrington, Washington. Radka Chapin photo
Couldn’t have found a better spot in Chuckanut Bay. Rick Lawler photo[/caption]
Cheers to the calm, cool waters of Chuckanut Bay. Rick Lawler photo
Andy Jones sharing the Pacific Northwest lineup with the true locals. Marcus Paladino photo
Mystic fog over Diablo Lake, North Cascades, Washington. Matthew Tangeman photo