Ryan Carter rides atop a moraine at Mount Rainier. Jason Hummel photo.

Textures on the Queen Bess Glacier in the Homathko River-Tatlayoko Protected Area. Matthew Tangeman photo.

Kirsten Rowley ski touring in the Mt. Baker backcountry. Grant Gunderson photo.

Fresh powder and sunshine on Table Mountain. Jason Hummel photo.

Waste not want not – economic turns in stellar conditions in B.C.'s Adamant Range. Jason Griffith photo.[/caption]

Scout waits on his companions near Darrington. Skye Schillhammer photo.

Watching the snow stack up on a winter night. Skye Schillhammer photo.

Patrick McCarthy kicks out a method in the North Cascades. Brad Andrew photo.

Pete Devries throws some spray into gale force winds while the photographer enjoys coffee and breakfast at a five-star resort in Tofino. Marcus Paladino photo.

The early bird gets the worm in the Mt. Baker backcountry. Jason Griffith photo.

Slashing powder in the Crystal Mountain backcountry. Jason Hummel photo.

Jack Gavin crossing a lake in the North Cascades. Matthew Tangemen photo.

Ingrid Backstrom enjoying fresh turns in the Stevens Pass backcountry. Anne Cleary photo.

Andy "Disco" Jones braving the elements on Vancouver Island. Marcus Paladino photo.

Sunlight filtered through snowy evergreens. Skye Schillhammer photo.

Skiers breaking trail on the Shuksan Arm during a break in the weather. Grant Gunderson photo.