The upper southwest rib of Mt. Prophet. Story and photos by Jason Griffith I ’m just drifting off to sleep when I hear it, far down the Big Beaver Valley … Thud. The wind rushing up the valley …
By Katie Griffith A hiker on the north side of Mt. Baker. Photo by Jefferson Morriss. A s the snow melts on Mt. Baker, hikers, climbers and campers head to the hills. Roads clear of debris, trails …
Climbers scrub graffiti off sandstone at Larrabee State Park. Jason D. Martin photo. By Jason D. Martin I n 2014, a bandit was on the loose in our public lands. For 26 days, this bandit raced through …
Story, art and photos by Gretchen Leggitt I recall the exact moment, swimming in a sea of merriment at Aslan Brewing’s one-year anniversary party, when my adventure sister Robin and I conjured up a …
Story and photos by Jason Griffith We’d been slogging for hours out of the Little Yoho Valley after finding the Stanley Mitchell Hut full. Darkness approached and our sole car was 46 kilometers …
By Mike McCartan The smoke near Winthrop was unbearable and the fire rained ash on our vehicles overnight; we swept it off the windshield just to be able to see clearly. Our fire crew dealt with this …
Skiing toward the Coleman Saddle on Mt. Baker. Story and photos by Peter Lillesve Dogs chased me down the dark highway – fast ones, loud ones, all unleashed and unfenced. Of the many contingencies …
Photo by Jason Hummel. To me, the unknown is uncovering for yourself what’s new and exciting. It’s both walking in the footprints of others and creating your own for future generations to follow. …
Skye Schillhammer floats over Mt. Baker. Photo by Skye Schillhammer and Cadin Yeckley. Pete Devries has the conditions on Vancouver Island dialed. Marcus Paladino photo. River crossing en route to …
alpenglow at Camp Friendly Story and photos by Jason Griffith It’s hard to find a place in the lower 48 as wild as the tangled valleys at the head of the Baker River. Brush below tree line isn’t …
By Jason D. Martin Historically, in order to escape from daily life and technology, one could go to the mountains. Now, with technology all around us, the ability to escape seems more difficult. …
A few turns off the summit, the author stopped to wait for his partner. The pair never found out what went wrong. By Ben Whitney A knot twisted in my stomach as I crouched, dumbfounded and alone, on …
The mountains just outside Unist’ot’en camp, near Houston, B.C., on the eastern edge of the Coast Range. Photo by James Leder.[/caption] Reflecting on a recovering but endangered landscape while …
Politicians on first ascents, highest peaks, glaciology and an accidental bowel movement By Jason D. Martin Our last installment of mountain trivia was popular so we’re back with more. Think you …
Story and photos by Jason Griffith Gord Fausto in his element. With icefalls cascading down her northern flanks and a summit pyramid towering over a plateau of ice, Mt. Shuksan’s complicated form …
By Mallorie Estenson Dave O’Leske photo. Courtesy of Dirtbag: The Legend of Fred Beckey.[/caption] “I think I want to get, ‘What would Fred Beckey do?’ tattooed on my arm,” I told my …
By Nick Belcaster Tim Nair on the summit of Carne Mountain. Photos courtesy of Tim Nair. The first time I spoke to Tim Nair his voice came in over my handheld radio, hailing me through the static. …
The summit of Sherman Peak. Chris Duppenthaler photo. By Oliver Lazenby In 1938, the town of Concrete in the North Cascades foothills went dark and lost power just as aliens invaded in Orson …
Mountain Madness guide Mallorie Estenson on Mt. Baker's Roman Wall. Tim Black photo. By Mallorie Estenson Last month I had the opportunity to guide a team of women on Mt. Baker. We were fast. We were …
The arrival of spring in the Pacific Northwest brings longer days, shirt sleeves, and the return of the afterwork ride. Treelines Northwest founder Adam McCoy races towards the setting sun after a …