If you can see Mt. Baker, you are part of The Experience

Parting Shot: Jason Hummel's glacier project


Photo by Jason Hummel.

To me, the unknown is uncovering for yourself what’s new and exciting. It’s both walking in the footprints of others and creating your own for future generations to follow. It’s pointing on a map and asking, “What is here?” It’s going there to find out because you need to know. Those question marks are invitations, not “do not enter” signs. And mystery is fed by the unknown. In life, mystery is the glue that binds the best moments together into something memorable.

– Photographer Jason Hummel

Jason Hummel is on a mission to ski every named glacier in Washington state, a quest that’s taken him to some pretty remote places, and some less remote places where skis are a rare sight. In this photo, Jake Chartier walks through the 18-mile-long Hoh rainforest valley at the beginning of an eight-day trip to Mt. Olympus that included skiing 10 separate glaciers, six of which Hummel hadn’t skied before.