If you can see Mt. Baker, you are part of The Experience

Story and photos by Ben Whitney Not exactly the poster children for environmental crisis, zebra and quagga mussels and other invasive freshwater species have not been known to inspire the hoo-rah …

By Amy Gibson As winter winds down, green life emerges in the forest once again. You may notice foragers off-trail, filling baskets with robust leaves, bright flowers and small berries. Perhaps …

Chris Rubens flies through the trees on a deep day at Mt. Baker a few years ago / Grant Gunderson photo. Hikers on Sahale Arm at sunset / Audra Mercille photo. Steel wool sparks on a winter night / …

  Story and photos by Audra Mercille When Rio and I set out for the North Twin Sister, some would have called us crazy – not just because of our familiar but challenging destination or the …

Illustration by Doug De Visser By Oliver Lazenby There’s a pill for that. Maybe “that” refers to heart disease, ADHD, depression, obesity or a galaxy of other ailments. But there’s also …

A team of glacier researchers, led by Mauri Pelto, descending the Easton Glacier after a day of research. Oliver Lazenby photo. Story and photos By Oliver Lazenby Investigate the terminus of the …

A Canadian company hopes to mine copper on Flagg Mountain, the rock face just left of center in the photo of the upper Methow Valley. Photo by Matt Firth. By Nick Belcaster Around pitch two of the …

By Oliver Lazenby Coast Protein , a Vancouver, B.C.-based company, is preparing to launch its protein bars later this summer in three tasty flavors made from natural ingredients including organic …

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